Smoke Management Plans
A Smoke Management Plan (SMP) may be required depending upon the type, size, or location of your burn. SMPs are always required when a burn has the potential to impact nearby sensitive receptors (homes, schools, businesses, roads, etc.). Generally, an SMP is required if the quantity of material to be burned equals or exceeds one acre of material per calendar day. Depending on your burn, you may be required to submit a SMP and obtain authorization prior to burning.
Any SMP must be submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to your burn, to allow for review and approval by the District. Plan your projects accordingly as the District will need time to review your plans, especially during the peak prescribed burning periods of the year.

The NCUAQMD is now using CARB's Prescribed Fire Information Reporting System (PFIRS) for prescribed burning. However, currently, you must first submit a copy of your SMP including a spreadsheet and maps (maps should show the vicinity of the nearest town, etc) to the NCUAQMD for approval. Once your SMP has been approved you may then submit your approved plan into PFIRS.
Smoke Management Plan Application & Forms
- Smoke Management Plan Application Package
(Fee: $65.00) - Application for Fee Waiver/Subsidy of Non-Standard Burn Permit with a SMP
- "No Burn Day" Permit Application
(Fee: $65.00)
Smoke Management Plans are required under Title 17 of the California Health and Safety Code and are locally regulated under Regulation II, Rule 206, of the District's Open Burning rules and regulations.
If you have additional questions or require further assistance, contact Debra Harris, Burn Program Coordinator: (707) 443-3093 ext. 122 or