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Carl Moyer Grant Program

The Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program ("Carl Moyer Program") provides incentive grants for cleaner-than-required engines, equipment, and other sources of pollution. The Moyer Program complements California's regulatory program by providing incentives to obtain early or extra emission reductions.

More information about the Carl Moyer Program can be found on CARB's website.

Carl Moyer Grant Funding Announcement

The application cycle for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 has closed.

 You can find the program announcement here for Fiscal year 2024-2025.

What type of projects are eligible for funding?

For Fiscal Year 2024-2025, the following project types will be accepted:

  • Off-Road Equipment Replacement 
  • Marine Vessel Repower
  • Infrastructure Projects used to fuel or power a covered source

Who can apply?

Any individual, private entity, public agency, or non-profit organization that is located in, that operates within, or proposes infrastructure situated in the boundaries of the District, i.e., Humboldt, Del Norte, and Trinity Counties, are eligible to apply.

How do I apply?

Applications are available using the links below, by visiting the District Office at 707 L Street in Eureka, or by calling (707) 443-3093 to request the application.

Complete all sections of the application, sign, and return it to the District Office during the acceptance period noted above. 

What criteria are used to determine which projects will be granted money?

Funding is awarded on a competitive basis. Projects which reduce the greatest amount of pollution at the lowest cost are given preference. The District also considers project location as well as other factors such as small business ownership, overall project cost, the potential for broad application of the project to other jurisdictions, and matching funds provided by outside sources 

What happens if my project is selected for grant funding?

You will receive a Notification of Potential Award if your project is pre-selected for funding.  Letters are sent approximately 30 days after the close of the application period. Pre-selected projects will be required to provide additional documents, e.g., proof of ownership, operational status, and usage, and a pre-inspection will be scheduled to verify information contained in the application. Once verified, a final award determination will be made and a contract will be prepared for signature. Following contract execution, the new equipment may be ordered. 

Once the project is operational, annual usage reports will need to be submitted to demonstrate use of equipment during the prior year. 

Application Forms

Useful Resources